Saturday 31 August 2013

The Liebster Award

I was nominated by   for The Liebster Award (thank you!) So i'm taking part and have left the following names of my nominees and your questions below! 

Blogger Nominees 

Lunar Belle

Questions i was asked :
1) You are only allowed to use one beauty product for the rest of your life - What is it?
♥ Eyeliner, i think it can be the simplest of things that can make a huge difference.

2) Where is your favourite holiday destination?
♥ Spain

3) What is your favourite music album right now?
♥ Umm i don't rally have one, but have been listening to Lana Del Rey's "Born to Die" album alot recently.

4) What was the first ever makeup product you owned?
♥ It was probably mascara

5) What made you start blogging?
♥ Well i had seen my favourite Youtuber's blog (BeautyCrush) and instantly loved it! I enjoyed reading all her posts and everyone seemed so lovely, so felt like it was something that i wanted to become a part of. I've always been interested in fashion, health and beauty products and thought blogging would be the best way to share this with people. I had been thinking for a while "should i?, shouldn't i create a blog?" as i am very shy and wasn't sure if people would be interested in my blog but one day i just thought "I'll do it!" so here i am :)

6) Where do you want to be in 10 years time?
♥ I would love to have some kind of plan out how i want my life to turn out, however i don't i am just taking one step at a time right now. I would love to become a midwife however there wasn't a college course that related to that directly (there is child care but i wanted to do something more on the medical side of things) so i don't know how thing's will pan out.

7) Where is your favourite place to shop?
♥ Topshop, Newlook or Primark

8) What is your favourite movie?
♥ This is far too difficult to answer!

9) What is your favourite type of clothing?
♥ T-shirts

10) The deal breaker question... Cats or Dogs?
♥ Ooooh i've lived with cats all my life and i've never had a dog but would LOVE a pug, so for that reason i will say dogs.

11) One random fact about yourself?
I have a phobia of clusters/ holes! (Trypophobia)

Now your turn!

My 11 question for you:
1. Where would be your dream holiday destination? 
2. Do you have a celebrity style icon? If yes then who?
3. What is the most expensive makeup product you have ever bought?
4. Favourite colour to wear on your nails? 
5. What was the reason you created a blog?
6. Heels of flats? 
7. Do you prefer dressing for Summer or Winter? 
8. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so who was it and where?
9. Spots or stripes?
10. What makeup product could you not live without?
11. Do you have a phobia? If so what is it?


  1. interesting answers and lovely blog!
    check out my blog maybe?
    would love to follow each other on GFC or bloglovin'

  2. thank you for nominating me! I have a post about liebster award further back on my blog and if i get time i will add your questions to it :) Xx

    1. Oh sorry i must have missed that! But thank you that would be great :) x

  3. thank you for nominating me :) I've been looking through loads and loads of new blogs that were nominated and I think your is one of the bests :)I'm definitely going to do this very soon :)

    1. You're welcome :)
      Awh thank you so much, sounds great! Thank you X
